A.V. Smirnov, T.V. Levashova, M.P. Pashkin, N.G. Shilov, A.A. Krizhanovsky, A.M. Kashevnik, A.S. Komarova The methodology of context-sensitive access to e-documents considers context as a problem model based on the knowledge extracted from the application domain, and presented in the form of application ontology. Efficient access to an information in the text form is needed. Wiki resources as a modern text format provides huge number of text in a semi-formalized structure. At the first stage of the methodology, documents are indexed against the ontology representing macro-situation. The indexing method uses a topic tree as a middle layer between documents and the application ontology. At the second stage documents relevant to the current situation (the abstract and operational contexts) are identified and sorted by degree of relevance. Abstract context is a problem oriented ontology-based model. Operational context is an instantiation of the abstract context with data provided by the information sources. The following parts of the methodology are described: (i) metrics for measuring similarity of e-documents to ontology; (ii) a document index storing results of indexing of e-documents against the ontology; (iii) a method for identification of relevant e-documents based on semantic similarity measures.
Wikipedia (wiki resource) is used as a corpus of e-documents for approach evaluation in a case study. Text categorization, the presence of metadata, and an existence of a lot of articles related to different topics characterize the corpus.