Applicants should register their interest in attending the conference by submitting, by 15 May 2006, the application form at the address: or otherwise by email to, or by snail mail to:    Department of Mathematical Linguistics    St. Petersburg, Universitetskaja nab., 11    Russia, 199034 The papers will be selected on the basis of relevance to conference topics and prior significance for contemporary issues in corpora making and use. Notice of acceptance will be sent to authors by 15 June 2006.

Citizens of the Russian Federation 500 RUR
Citizens of the Commonwealth of Independent States 1000 RUR
Foreign participants 1500 RUR

The registration fee includes the participant kit and coffee breaks. In the follow-up of the conference, a volume of conference proceedings will be published. This volume will comprise the papers of the participants provided at the registration time. The publication cost will be covered by the grant pending at the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, or, should the application be turned down, by the authors.
Corpus Linguistics – 2006

Family Name (give spelling in the Cyrillic and Latin script)

Personal Name (give spelling in the Cyrillic and Latin script)
Patronymic, if applicable (give spelling in the Cyrillic and Latin script)
Home Address
Home Telephone
Office Address
Office Telephone
Academic Degree
Academic Title, if applicable
Participation Category (talk, poster, participation without a paper)
Paper Title
Abstract (1000-1500 characters, with spaces)