Euroscience Local Section in Russia
- International seminar ”Attracting young people into Science. Analysis of the Russian practice and the adaptation of the EU and the U.S.A.’s experience.” Research supervisor– Ass. Member of RAS, prof. Irina I.. Eliseeva. Workshop, November 9, 2009 at 11 – a.m.
The Russian section of EUROSCIENCE was established to facilitate the process of integration of Russian science into the European Research Area, help Russian scientists with access to joint international programs.
By the decision of the Governing Board, a Local Section of EuroScience was founded in the Russian Federation in 2003.
The St. Petersburg Euroscience Cooperation Center (SPb ESCC) carries out the functions of the Local Section of Euroscience in Russian Federation for the Russian members of Euroscience now. The SPb ESCC is an juridical person, representative the Local section of Euroscience in compliance with the Agreement between Euroscience and SPb ESCC. It was established and registered in compliance with the legislation of Russian Federation.
St. Petersburg Euroscience Cooperation Centre is currently the link between the Russian membership of Euroscience which may in future include other local sections and the Euroscience head office in Strasbourg. The SPb ESCC communicates directly to the ES Secretary General.
President of the St. Petersburg Euroscience Cooperation Centre is Associated Member of RAS, Prof. Irina Eliseeva.
Coordination of activity between Euroscience and SPb ESCC is carried out by Dr. Nelli I. Didenko, the official representative of Euroscience in the Russian Federation, who has been appointed to this post official as the representative of Euroscience in the Russian Federation. Dr. Nelli I. Didenko is acting as and on behalf of the ES General Secretary in relations with SPb ESCC.
Dr. Nelly Didenko was appointed the official representative (Coordinator) of this Section.
Responsibilities of the Coordinator are to:
1. Attract new Membership from all over Russia
2. Keep and update the membership records
3. Collect and manage membership fees
4. Organise evernts as secied by the Russian section of EuroScience
5. Attract Associate Members and sponsors of the Russian Section of EuroScience
6. Act as a link between the Russian membership of EuroScience and the Head Office in Strasbourg
7. Formally accept new members of EuroScience
The Office of the Local Section in located in Saint-Petersburg, which is one of the major scientific and cultural centers of Russia (map).
We have physicists, mathematicians, programmers, engineers, philologist, economists, biologists, historians and other scientists in our team. Our team includes also experts in different area of Technology transfer (TT), including experts in the Legal Protection of the Intellectual Property and Innovation Projects.
The members of our group works in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Kovrov, Voronezh, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Murmansk, Nizny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Ulyanovsk, Ural and other regions of the Russian Federation.
The editor of web-page is Igor A. Didenko Supervising and current development of the site by Soldatov Vadim .
The Section goals mentioned above are achieved with the help of:
We are glad to inform you about news in AlphaGalileo,(see AlphaGalileoNews), about international conferences and jobs abroad, about new Program ( Global Science )
You can become acquainted with the list of upcoming scientific international conferences of the Russian Academy of Sciences .
If you have any questions about this web page, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
We will be very pleased to hear from you – in English or Russian.
© Copyright 2004 by Euroscience Local Section in Russia