Encyclopaedic department — The Philological Research Institute of Saint Petersburg State University
General information
Encyclopaedic department is one of the research units of the Philological Research Institute of St. Petersburg State University.
The main purpose of the Encyclopaedic department’s work is to produce encyclopaedic, informational and other kinds of scientific and popular science literature of humanitarian type and to prepare it for publication.
Encyclopaedic department works in collaboration with leading scientific and educational organizations, museums, libraries, archives and social institutions.
The State Hermitage, Museum of St. Petersburg history (St. Peter and Paul fortress), the State Committee for Control over use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian National Library, Moscow Academy of Law and Economics and other institutions are among our basic partners.
The staff of St. Petersburg State University takes an active part in the realization of our projects.
Encyclopaedic department is occupied with the development of new approaches to the creation of encyclopaedic directories and their use in publishing, with the development of card-index and computer basis for the research.